Message from President

President of TTESA

The mission of the Toyota Tsusho Group is to continuously address ever-changing needs, develop new business models and continue to offer unprecedented added value to contribute to the development of an enriched society.

In spite of a European context that has suffered from a long-lasting and severe economic crisis, our mission remains entirely unchanged.

To remain successful, we must keep concentrating on our core values and principles while expanding our businesses in our three prioritized fields (Mobility, Life & Community and Resources & Enviroment) with our key partners.

First and foremost, we must, as ever, nurture our good relationships with our customers so as to support them through their own challenges and successes. 

At Toyota Tsusho Europe, our commitment to our customers has always been at the very heart of what we do.

Our success depends chiefly on our commitment to the Group’s behaviour guidelines.

We will:
  • Implement corporate activities in a fair and open way
  • Fulfil our social responsibilities as we help protect the environment
  • Offer creativity alongside added value
  • Respect people and create a fulfilling work environment

Thus, it is my desire that all employees hold to the group values which aim to foster global growth, business development as well as a deep commitment and appetite for success. 

In addition to this, we want to stand for a clear collective force spirit, maintain high Safety standards (Anzen) and ensure excellent compliance. By insisting on these three core values, we will ensure prosperous and sustainable partnerships.

Finally, and mentioned by our Group President & CEO, we would like to extend our sincerest thanks to all stakeholders for their longstanding support and understanding of Toyota Tsusho's values.

We, as a team, look forward to strengthening and creating business relationships to build together the success stories of tomorrow.

Takashi Hirobe
Toyota Tsusho Europe