CSR Activities

CSR Activities

TTESA CSR activity is based on Toyota Tsusho corporate philosophy, "Maintain our co-existence and co-prosperity with humans, society, and the earth, we aim to become a value creating company that contributes to the creation of a prosperous society."

Therefore, our business practice at TTESA focus on the underneath points:

  • Corporate Governance
  • Internal Control
  • Compliance
  • Disclosure
  • Environmental Management
  • Health and Safety
  • Human Rights
  • Mental Healthcare
  • Risk Management
  • Social Contribution

Current CSR Activities in Toyota Tsusho Europe

CSR Activities
Dislocure / Reporting
  1. TVA
  2. SAP
  3. ISO 9001
  1. Cash Management (CMS)
  2. Credit Control
  3. etc...
Compliance to the
  1. Law
  2. Work Regulations
  3. Trade Control
  4. Labor Safety Hygiene
Compliance to the
  1. Ethical Code
  2. etc...
ISO 14001
  1. Resource management
  2. Green Metal
  3. etc...

Toyota Tsusho CSR Report

The yearly CSR report describes the actual CSR activities in the TTC Group.

  • Develop the CSR basics started in CSR report 2006
  • Show how CSR is integrated in all divisions after the merger.
  • Give examples of CSR in new divisions.
  • Explain further how the goal of 50:50 business results between automotive and non-automotive divisions are developed.

Further CSR Reports in Toyota Tsusho Corporation website.